Padraig Harrington (Getty / Scott Halleran)
Some pros like to keep things simple with their golf swings. Others don't. Take Padraig Harrington, who is currently working on a new set of swing changes.
What changes?
"I don't waggle over the ball anymore. I only look up once now. I get it right, I only look up once, instead of twice, or three times."
"I try to take the club away with my arms more now, and trying to leave my hips behind in the takeaway, and trying to stop squatting in my takeaway."
"I had to change my plane in the backswing because I don't have such a big hip turn from address."
"Quite a significant one was I changed my shoulder turn. I have recurring neck problems so I'm trying to swing my shoulder into my chin now and tuck my chin in more at the top of my backswing."
"And the downswing, I'm trying to get my hands a little bit lower and keep the heel down a bit."
Allright then.